Mystic Deja has to find her father, Octavius, before he passes through the next doorway, where he may never be found. Accomplishing this goal means traveling on a dangerous path, over a frozen lake to the Timoe Dali, and into the underground caverns where the shapeshifters live. Thankfully, she has a band of yabosaur allies that will go out of their way to make sure she arrives safely. Now there are new aliens to battle, and more unusual weather, as well as new places to explore.
Great Reign, the most powerful Emergist and conqueror of realms, is out to stop her from ruining his plans. Great Reign has a secret disguise, and an even more devious android creation; a new breed of silver assassins, hot on her trail. Octavius is searching to enter his mind's eye, hoping to see his wife, Jenasee, one last time. But will this fantasy be his demise, or will Mystic Deja reach him in time?